Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Lessons from Cinema 2

  1. When the blonde asks if you're flirting with her, you're gonna die.
  2. When some one asks if you're a god, you say yes.
  3. When the computer asks if you wouldn't prefer a nice game of chess, do not insist on playing Global Thermonuclear War.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Subscription Poof!

Dunno what happened, but my subscription count through Feedburner went from 20 on Friday to 0 on Saturday. I'd be twistedly proud of myself for that except some of my subscribers have told me they haven't unsubbed.

Well. Anyway. Since Feedburner is nagging about making the migration to Google, might as well do it now, since i don't have to worry about losing my subscriber count.
