Monday, May 12, 2008

Cutter Fashion

arm socks,WA blog

"Arm socks" or "arm warmers" - you've seen these things, worn most often by females (though not exclusively so), *adorable* fashion accessories that usually go from the hand to the elbow and feature bright colors and|or patterns.

But let me clue you in. They are - or at least were - more than a fashion statement.

This is cutter fashion, people.

What do I mean by that?

Well, that's simple. I mean that, when these things were first being worn (by people like me in the Eighties) they had nothing to do with fashion or any "scene."

They had one purpose: to cover the wounds and scars of self-mutilation. Cutting, in other word. Usually, one used the mis-matched, partnerless or beholed socks that couldn't be worn otherwise on the feet. Very punk, but also necessary if one didn't want to have to bear the scrutiny and condemnation of peers and elders for this very personal habit of self-injury.

And now, in the fullness of time, it's become a niche industry of the fashion world, and every cute little precious snowflake wants a pair or two to prove they are unique just like the rest of the herd.

So, as a public service, I've outted this accessory - an accessory to self-assault, rather than wardrobe - so if your little darling suddenly sports a pair regardless of how warm the weather is, consider taking stock of your relationship with them and their relationships with their bodies.

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