Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Did the EC card drops (and yes, I comment when a post "speaks" to me) and hit my day's 300 just by going through the cards that have been dropped on me since I signed up.

So now I wonder ... how do other EC participants pick and choose at this point? I suppose I can stop hitting the stock trading, sports and car blogs, since those things don't really interest me. Others, like crafting, diets, and pinoy, I like to browse, but I always feel something like guilt since I have nothing to add and can't much relate to. Same goes for the faith blogs - I'm spiritual but not religious.

How do the rest of you do it? (Those of you who, like me, feel compelled to be told "300 a day" otherwise you've let some blog down by not clicking.)


Kathleen Milazzo said...

Honestly I have about ten blogs on e-card, so I can't find time to drop on many cards, All I've been doing is dropping on those who dropped on me the day before.

foongpc said...

I don't do 300 drops a day not because I don't want to, but because I simply don't have the time to do all 300! Also, some days, I'm so busy I don't even do any drops! It's not very fair to those who drop on me consistently, but what am I gonna do? I try my best to always drop on those in my inbox. And I love to read blogs and comment on those I like, so that takes a lot of my time. Also I give priority to those who commented on my blog because if they care to read my blog and drop their comments, that means they are interested and I appreciate them very much.

Anonymous said...

I go through those in my inbox then select a category and run through that, or select all and just hit them as they come up.

Designing Hilary said...

I had to start picking and choosing by drop backs because I've been getting over 300 dropped on me. Like you, I chose the blogs I like or interest me in some way. I'm surprised by the things I find interesting!

Blogs that exist simply to advertise no longer get my card. Blogs that aren't updated at least every other week no longer get my card. And there are some that are just plain irritating.

My dropbacks usually total around 250. After that, I go through the categories to find blogs I haven't seen yet and drop my card (or advertise) as a way of introducing myself.

sabriena said...

I drop on everyone that's dropped on me...that is usually over 300 so I don't have to go searching. If I do have to go searching then I will usually hit the popular blog page just because I know that they are dropping cards and not inactive blogs :)

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

I try and drop as many as I can each day, beginning with those in my drop box...but 300! I wish i had that time

I comment sparingly on most site, but some the post hits me (like yours today) so I comment.

Anonymous said...

You drop on me, I drop on you. That is how I find blogs to read and enjoy!

Kimmy said...

You first I tried dropping 300. And on the weekends I do, because I love to find new blogs as well. But I try to hit some of my favorite blogs daily. And drop some comments on new blogs! :-)

desirae! said...

i return a drop that's been dropped on me, 'cause i'm polite and whatnot. but then i go to the blogs that i actually like and drop on them. and then i take the readers of my favorite blogs and drop on them because if i like a blog that she likes then there's definitely a possibility of me liking there blog also and vice versa. it kinda spawns off that. if that doesn't work out then i just do the techno dropping and hope something great comes from it.

Patricia Rockwell said...

I also drop on all in my inbox and also on those who are advertising on my blog. I try to comment--as you do--when I feel I can add something to the post. Typically, therefore, I don't comment on blogs devoted to making money, blogging, cars, sports, technology, or hobbies. Mostly, I comment on personal diary blogs or politics blogs or those devoted to women's issues.

Anonymous said...

I pretty much drop on anyone who's dropped on me. If I like the blog, I'll visit it regardless. I've been slacking a bit on EC dropping because I haven't had the time, but I try to do it at least every other day.

Cally the Wild Aspie said...

Thanks to everyone who commented! It seems this "card dropping" is either a boon or a bane ... I'm willing to give it more time before I decide which, and I have found some great blogs through EC.