Monday, August 25, 2008

Yeah, It's a Monday ...

Some random bits and pieces ...

My eldest daughter, Rose, really likes Gaia Online (no link for them! They've captured enough people without my help) - I'll be nice and not say she has an addiction. But I think I may be making headway in getting her to gain some self-control. Since I have family that uses Facebook^, the Hubby and I decided to let her get an account too. The upshot is, she's transferring some of her addiction to FB. But I also encouraged her to set up her own blog, and she's warming also to the idea of helping me do some reviews on my other blog.

Saturday the Hubby and I got to go out sans kids for the third time this year. It was the "Annual Summer Party" of some local friends; the husband thereof is a master meat-griller, and since the vegetarians that were invited didn't show, the only green in sight was the guacamole. The Hubby scolds me often for not eating better, but once in a while I get to indulge in a meal of just meat - especially since I was at my doctor on Thursday and have gained four pounds! (Yay, me - just six more to go, and I might have a butt again.)

This morning The Boy was complaining his hands were itchy; I suggested he wash them (which, with a nine year old, is always a safe suggestion). After he did he said his fingers still itched, and showed me some little blisters on the side of his middle finger. I recognized right away he'd gotten into some of the poison ivy that is all over the neighborhood; fortunately we have a bar of Burt's Bees Poison Ivy Soap^ and I told him to wash again using that. And then I discovered an interesting thing: my son didn't know how to wash using a bar of soap.

We've been using liquid soap in pump dispensers forever, it seems; generally we refill the dispensers with a 3:1 water-dish soap solution, since we use the antibacterial dish detergent, and that has been working great. But as I supervised his second washing, I saw he had no idea that holding the bar and both hands under a stream of water was not going to help him get the upper hand, so to speak, on the ivy oil. So I educated him on the "old fashioned" way of washing, the while marveling how the little things can seem like such huge, culturally significant changes.

And this afternoon I decided to take the new Flock^ browser for a test-drive ... it's built on the Mozilla FireFox^ technology, but is designed to work with many different social networking, file sharing, and feed aggregating sites and softwares. So far it works like a browser ... I'm not yet committed to an opinion, but rest assured I'll let you know when I form one.

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